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The Deep State and Donald Trump: Introduction

In government, the power of the people is always determined by how accurately their government represents and serves them. A government which serves its own interests and the interests of a few chosen elites is autocratic by definition and will inescapably lead to tyranny over the people. Governments naturally over time descend into authoritarianism and that is why the Founding Fathers put so many checks and balances into our governmental framework. What if, though, there could be members of high authority in the government who neither are elected, nor are they bound by the people’s will. This is the Deep State. Men and Women who, though not exclusively, are unelected and preside over extreme governmental authority and maintain said authority no matter what administration is in place. Men and Women who serve not the interests of their nation, but rather the interest of the elites and people in power. Two relevant conspiracies which will be addressed is proving that there even exists such a Deep State, and analyzing the enmity between Trump and the deep state.

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Works Cited

“Biden Administration Blocked from Working with Social Media Firms about ‘Protected Speech.’” PBS NewsHour, 4 July 2023, ...

The Deep State and Donald Trump: Conclusion

Donald Trump is about as controversial a figure as one can find. You will hardly find someone who is ambivalent toward him. This research...

The Deep State and Donald Trump: Character Analysis

When we analyze Donald Trump and his relationship with the Deep State, it is important to note that an important part of his character...

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The purpose of these articles is to pursue truth. These articles serve as a guide to those who want to pursue the truth in any and all matters. My hope is that this awaken in us an awareness to corruption and help us always stay active in this great democratic-republic of ours.

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