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The Deep State and Donald Trump: The Argument and the Evidence

Writer's picture: Nathan BerryhillNathan Berryhill

It is first necessary to define the deep state before its possible existence can bedetermined. According to Merriam-Webster, the deep state is, “an alleged secret network of especially non elected government officials and sometimes private entities (as in the financial

services and defense industries) operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). With this definition in mind it’s hard for anyone of any political stripe to disagree with this. It seems that both aisles recognize, on some level, that there are “non elected officials” who collude with the government to “enact governmental policy” extralegally. The question lies then to what extent does this collusion infect our political system, and, to play devil’s advocate, how can you prove it? Those questions go together hand in glove, for if you can prove that there is a deep state you’ve shown to some degree the extent of the infection, and if

you show how far this disease of the deep state has spread you can prove the existence of the deep state.

Two examples will be given of the deep state: the “military-industrial complex” and the sick union of the government and the media.These will be discussed in order. The “military-industrial complex” was first termed by President Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell

address (President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961)). In it he warned the American people and said that, “ A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist (1). Ike is proven true like a sage, and it’s seen in the present day. For instance, in 2018 there were 645 instances of the top 20 defense contractors hiring former senior government officials, military officers, Members of Congress, and senior legislative staff as lobbyists, board members, or senior executives (Smitherbeger 1). In 2018, 380 high ranking Department of Defense individuals joined the private sector to become lobbyists, board members, executives, or consultants for defense contractors. You then have high ranking people in our military who’s job is to buy weapons and ammunition to protect these United States, and they just so happen to leave and work for the same companies who they have purchased from for all those years. You even have members of congress who become lobbyists just to then lobby for said companies (1)!

A more detailed example would be former Principal Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, Darleen Druyan, who managed the Air Force’s weapon acquisition program from 1993 to 2002 who helped Boeing earn billions (with a B!) of dollars, and then got her son-in-law a job and left the Air Force herself to work at Boeing (1)! The government found unusual purchases, and found out that she was working with Boeinng. According to POGO, “The Congressional Budget Office found that an aerial refueling aircraft deal Druyun was negotiating with Boeing while seeking employment with the company would have overcharged taxpayers nearly $5.7 billion (1).” This has only grown worse with time, and we see less imprisonments!

The other proof of the existence of the deep state is the amalgamation of the media and the government. During the pandemic we saw the federal government work with the media companies to censor dissenting opinions on the covid vaccine, the lockdown, and the 2020 BLM riots (Thibeau 1). The Biden Administration used the Department of Health and Human Services and the FBI to threaten social media companies into submission (1). Biden used the FBI to make Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. to censor views deemed dangerous by the party in power (Biden Administration Blocked from Working with Social Media Firms about ‘Protected Speech). We also see this level of collusion in the mainstream media as well.

First, let's have a little thought experiment for a moment. If a company had a job and it’s main purpose was to report on an atomic sludge factory, and to keep it in check, while at the same time all throughout said company they were all either related to our married to higher ups in the atomic sludge factory, would that raise the suspicion of collusion and perhaps a degradation of trust in that company? Of course! In the real world, that atomic sludge factory is the government and the company is the media. In 2013, during the Obama administration, here are just a few of the connections. ABC News President Ben Sherwood, who is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, was a top national-security adviser to President Obama (Nolte 1). His counterpart at CBS, news division president David Rhodes, is the brother of Benjamin Rhodes, a key foreign-policy specialist (1). CNN’s deputy Washington bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Tom Nides, who until earlier in 2013 was deputy secretary of state under Hillary Rodham Clinton (1). Former White House press secretary Jay Carney’s wife is Claire Shipman, a veteran reporter for ABC (1). NPR’s former White House correspondent, Ari Shapiro, is married to a lawyer, Michael Gottlieb, who joined the White House counsel’s office In April 2013 (1). The Post‘s former Justice Department reporter, Sari Horwitz, is married to William B. Schultz, the former general counsel of the Department of Human Services (1). [VP] Biden’s communications director, Shailagh Murray (a former Post Congressional reporter), was married to Neil King, one of the Wall Street Journal‘s top political reporters (1). George Carlin said that it was “one big club and you ain’t in it”, and this is evident in the familial connections between our government and our media (Johnson 1).

The second topic in the introduction was the relationship between the deep state and Donald Trump. This one goes back to the 2020 election. Back in 2020 the NY Times posted an article with pictures of a laptop shown to be none other than Hunter Biden’s, the Democratic nominee’s son (Dunleavy 1). In it the NY Post showed pictures and emails from the “laptop from Hell” that showed Hunter Biden getting high, banging hookers, and participating in extremely fishy deals with foreign countries with his dad, Joe Biden (1). It turns out though that the FBI then contacted Social Media companies to censor this Hunter Biden laptop story (Malloy 1). Facebook, Twitter, and other major social media companies were told by the DOJ, the same DOJ that has gone after Trump for years, to censor the story because it was Russian disinformation (Dunleavy 1). The sad thing is that they willingly went along with it and chose to suppress the

truth that they saw with their eyes instead of defending the truth. How different would have the election of 2020 been had the biggest story of the 21st century been allowed to freely be exposed by the “supposedly” unbiased media? The world may never know.

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“Biden Administration Blocked from Working with Social Media Firms about ‘Protected Speech.’” PBS NewsHour, 4 July 2023, ...

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